Wednesday, April 27, 2011


No running this morning.  Alarm was set, I got up and refused to run.  I am picking up a new foster dog tonight so it will be important to run my dogs at least, if not her as well (separately) to help get rid of some energy.  I'm thinking I'll run each set of dogs 1-1.5 miles which should get me some good mileage.  Hopefully the rain will hold off.

I had a good workout yesterday.  Stayed after to work on my chest to bar pullups and I think I have them.  I got a small rip in my hand so I'll have to take it easy for a day or two so my hand can heal but I'm feeling more confident about the last sectional WOD now that I can do C2B pullups!

PUSH PRESS 10×2 (I possibly got a PR on this, haha.  I know I was doing over 100lbs but didn't do the math.  It was tough so that's what counts!)

WEIGHTED PULL UP 5/4/3/2/1 (Since I can't do deadhang pullups I worked on doing them with small bands)


AMRAP 15 MINUTES in Teams of 4

250 Meter Run
Weekly Miles Run:5
Weekly Goal:8
Weekly Meters Rowed: 1000
Weekly Goal:4000

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