Thursday, April 21, 2011


Two days no whip cream!!  I did still have a late night snack of applesauce and almonds but it wasn't whip cream.  I need to get myself out of this late night snacking habit but for now being able to move away from things with NO nutritional value is a step in the right direction.

The sectional WOD's for this week and next week have been released.  The good news, I can do both of them!  My goal was to be able to do all 6 workouts as prescribed and I will be able to say I did that.  My secondary goal is to try to stay in the top 1/4 or 1/3 of the region which is also still in reach.  I will be doing sectional WOD 5 on Friday and tonight will likely do a partial version of it (10 minutes instead of 20) as well as working on clean technique and a few other things. Tomorrow is a rest day which I am looking forward too as I'm tired!  The Crossfit Lake Oswego team is close to being able to qualify for regionals as a team so I want to do my very best to help the team make it!

Here is what I ate:
2 pieces of bacon, 3 eggs and an apple (plus 2 cups of coffee with a little half/half and truvia)
Leftover steak and a huge salad with tons of veggies, olive oil and balsamic vinegar
Cut up strawberries and almonds
Post Workout Shake (ARM)
Protein shake with almond milk, protein powder and almond butter with 3/4 cup applesauce
Applesauce (yes more, needed something a little sweet) and some almonds
Here is how I moved:
I ate some dark chocolate covered almonds at work that I ordered for my co-worker's daughters fundraiser. I felt guilty about eating these so I counted how many I ate (7) and how many calories I need to burn to negate them and went on a 2.2 mile walk during lunch, haha! My co-workers thought I was crazy! It was so nice outside that the walk felt great either way!

Warm-up these days seems to include a 1k run for time..hmm :)
Technique work on Press, Push Press, Push Jerk and Split Jerk with PVC
Split Jerk Technique work at #65
8 rounds
Sprint to the road and back (about 100m)
10 pull-ups
15 push-ups
Situps for the rest round (2:30min rounds)
I rowed 1k to make sure I keep making progress towards my 4k goal per week
When I got home I ran all 3 dogs for 1 mile
Weekly Run Total: 3.25
Weekly Row Total: 2k

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