Sunday, March 13, 2011

Shamrock Run

Well my day started off with some disappointment.  I was the team captain for our Shamrock team but somehow ended up by myself for the entire event, bummer!  However, rather than feel down, I went out and ran my heart out!  I'm pretty sure I got a 1-2 minute PR on my 5k time, I keep checking online for my time but of course it isn't posted yet :)  I probably could have ran even faster but the crowd was a bit difficult to maneuver around at times. 

My legs are super sore from the run so I know I pushed myself.  I leave for Minnesota tomorrow so I'm slowly getting in to freakish planning mode, trying to figure out what food I'm going to take, how/when I'm going to work out etc.  Sectionals starts this week and I'll be doing the first workout on Thursday, so it's really important I stay on track with eating paleo (my Yo Cream yesterday was a cheat, otherwise I've been good!) and taking care of myself.

Short post for today, but thought I'd update everyone and brag about my hopeful PR (and I didn't even train running wise, proof that Crossfit gets you in to great shape and you don't even realize it!).

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