Thursday, March 10, 2011

Paleo in 2011

I always find it interesting to read through all the blogs and forums regarding the paleo lifestyle and see what people are talking about, or arguing about.  I found this blog: (I need to get myself some Paleo kits, could probably make them myself!) and in his article about coffee he said two important things.  First: EAT. REAL. FOOD.  So simple, so important.  My breakfast had the following ingredients: Eggs, red bell pepper, onion, pepper, avocado, apple.  REAL food.

The next, and what I think so many people get hung up on: Just because it wasn't available to a CaveMan, doesn't mean it doesn't have utility in the modern diet. Just keep your head on straight about it.  Coffee is one of those things, I WILL not be giving up coffee, just won't do it.

Just some thoughts to get you going on this windy, rainy day!

I hope everyone has a happy and healthy Thursday!


  1. Sweet because I will never give up triple fudge brownies with ice cream and maple bars on it, topped with 3 big macs.... just something I'm not ready to give up.

  2. I think I just threw up in my mouth. You were on to something until you threw some big macs on top of it :) This falls in to the category of 'just keep your head on straight about things'. However, I have a paleo brown recipe, which we can top with coconut milk ice cream, so good and paleo!!
