Monday, March 21, 2011

Quick Update

Work is crazy busy and adding a foster dog in to our lives has added to how busy I feel I am, even if I'm not that busy.  I had a GREAT 1st sectional WOD, although am likely going to try it again on Wednesday and see if I can improve at all.  I traveled to Minnesota last week and was able to stay paleo, except for a few beers, which was great.  My weight is up a tad which I'm not too happy about but I'm not going to dwell on that.  Today has been a super stressful day at work and I can feel the stress dragging me down.  I actually cried after getting yelled out by a client, only for about 15 second, but that tells you how stressful today has been...I don't cry at work.

I am looking forward to ending this horrible Monday and going home to my husband so  I haven't gotten to spend much time with lately and all my furry beasts, big and small!  Also looking forward to an ass kicking at the gym, no better way to deal with stress!

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