Friday, March 4, 2011

Odds and Ends

So my proud week of accomplishments was squashed when I redid my baseline workout (last done on 12/3) and was 5 seconds slower than before.  However, I moved right on to a 2nd workout, which I requested since I won't be able to workout this weekend. 

I donated blood this morning and feel good about that.  I'm a universal donor, so you're welcome :)  I personally think I should have waited to weigh myself for my challenge until after I gave blood, just kidding, kind of.

I had to do box jumps holding 16lb kettlebells in each hand, that was difficult.

I have to work over the weekend and stay at the Hilton in downtown for an off-site, I am less than thrilled.  One, because the Hilton in downtown Portland is a pretty crappy upscale hotel.  Two, because Matt actually has this weekend off and I have to work.  Three because I just feel like be crabby about having to stay at the Hilton and work over the weekend.

Yesterday we had our homecheck for fostering dogs, which was awesome!  I finally met two people who know and understand what I do, that RARELY happens!  Also, they seem like awesome people and I can't wait to start fostering, especially because our first foster dog will likely be a puppy, even though I'll be happy with any dog, but most happy with a puppy!

Matt is slowly building a crossfit gym in our garage and I love it!  When I work from home I can get in a quick lunchtime workout, its great!

Yesterday was my Dad's birthday, 1 year away from the big 60!  Sunday is my Brother's birthday, the big 25 and his last birthday as a single man (well by single I mean not married).

I found a blog yesterday that posts a new paleo recipe everyday, check it out under my Health and Fitness Favs section, its the Foodee Blog. 

That's it, and possibly until next week.  I hope everyone has a happy and healthy Friday and weekend as well!

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