Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 25 - Back to the daily grind

You will probably find this weird, or at least a few people will.  I LOVE my daily routine.  I seriously do!  The ability to plan out my day and stick to my plan makes me so happy!  As long as I can have my day planned out by the time I go to bed the night before, I am a happy girl!  I don't do so well with the inability to plan things out, not at all!  I eat the same things every day, at pretty much the same time.  I do the exact same things each morning, in the exact same order (for the most part) and it makes me happy.  My workday isn't always 100% predictable, but my neatly color coordinated to-do list and heavily jotted in notebook helps me prioritize and make it through my day.  My Outlook calendar is up to date and each day I generally know what to expect assuming my clients don't get crazy on me!

I don't count my weekends in my planning freakishness as I do enjoy and need time that is open to whatever life throws at me.  My house may not be super clean and organized but that's okay because I didn't say I was an organization freak or a clean freak, I am a planning freak.  When I have control over my daily plan I feel less stressed, make WAY better eating decisions, have better workouts and generally feel a sense of accomplishment that I stuck to my planned day.  Making my lunch and snacks is planned in to my day, going to the gym is planned in to my day.  When I have something planned that will throw off my normal routine I find pleasure and joy in the fact that I can plan around it!  I'll switch my gym time, get up earlier if needed etc to ensure that I can maintain a planned day and stick to my routine.

The hubbs suffers a bit because of this right now since his schedule is ever changing.  If he is up in the morning when I'm used to having the house to myself, I get a little cranky.  He was working graveyard for several weeks which allowed me to make small meals for myself in the evening and end each night with a nice hot bath and ample reading time.  Last night he was home but I really wanted to stick to my routine.  He went and picked up his own dinner and I stuck to my plan!

HOWEVER my planning pays off, I am back to losing weight and feeling great!  I'm down a total of 5.6 lbs today, woo hoo!  I'm getting my hair done tonight from my soon to be sister in law so I packed extra snacks and changed my workout days so today is my off day instead of Thursday.  Now I have to be honest, last night I was set on getting up early this morning and going to the gym at 5:30am, HOWEVER since I always take one day off during the week I just switched my day off.

Wow, I just sounded CRAZY!  Haha, just a little truth to throw at you this morning!

Also, sorry for the pictureless posts, when I blog at work (yes I blog at work) I get a server error when I try to upload pictures!

Have a happy and healthy Wednesday!

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