Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 13 - 1 day away from cheat day

I'm starting to get anxiety about cheating tomorrow on my diet (which I will be doing since it's my bday celebration, so alcohol will be consumed for sure!).  I am down exactly 6 lbs, but I'm  not really celebrating that because that is the exact 6 lbs I lost BEFORE Thanksgiving, so while it's great to be down 6 lbs, I've only caught back up to my original progress.  After cheating on my diet last week and eating pizza/drinking wine on Saturday it took a few days to get my weight loss back on track, so I'm getting some anxiety about tomorrow and how long it will take to get back on track weight loss wise because the next pound I lose takes me BEYOND my pre-holidays progress, so it's an important one.  My goal is simply this, limit cheating to one thing or the other.  Its either alcohol or it's food, it cannot be both or it will take too much time just to get back to where I was before the cheat occured.  So one thing or the other OR both but in moderation.  And since I know that I will have more than one drink that means I must make sure I eat healthy, plain and simple. 

I went to the gym yesterday after taking 2 days off.  I stuck to an upperbody workout and will likely do the same today.  My hip was pretty sore last night, throbbing all night.  I spent some time and massaged my hip with a lacross ball, which was pretty painful.  Its feeling a bit better today, the throbbing is less noticeable, but I think I need to go easy on my hip for another day or 2.  I haven't run since Monday but I have started playing Just Dance 2 which actually gives you a decent workout, so I fully intend on playing tonight, by myself since its fun and will help burn off some extra calories.

As far as my 60 day challenge, I'm down 6lbs with 12 to go before I hit my bigger goal of 145 and 8 lbs away from getting BELOW 150.  8 pounds, thats all?!  Wow, feels good to say that, feels good to know that my first goal is single digits away!  I'm targeting 145 because I think I can still be pretty strong at 145 and can maintain that.  As 2012 approaches and the idea of competing I'll likley drop down a bit more as I pick up the training, but that is far away and is not a goal of mine.  My goal is 145 and I'm excited about it!  I want to get there soon so that I can just maintain during the summer, which will be the first summer in a LONG time that I wasn't trying to lose weight, just maintain.  Man that sounds so good!

Going in to the next few weeks which will pose challenging diet wise my hope is to lose 1 lb a week.  I can be really happy with 1 lb a week for the next few weeks.

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