Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Okay the title really has nothing to do with what I want to write about, but I was trying to come up with a title that represented my feelings today.  It's not a lack of motivation I'm feeling, although maybe towards writing my blog.  I've been pushing myself in the gym, seeing gains on some of my lifts, working on my 'goats' (things I suck at) and am excited to start seeing some progress in areas of weakness.  So what is it that I'm feeling today?  Frustration.  Which snow tends to cause when it sticks around the metro area for too long.  So Snow is my title.

I always try to avoid blasting anyone on my blog because it is public and it wouldn't be fair without confronting the person first.  So without naming names or going in to specifics I'll just say that I am feeling frustrated with an obvious lack of respect that has been directed towards me.  I think I'm a pretty nice person, I don't ask a lot out of people.  I am social, talkative when I feel comfortable and work hard when its time to work(out).  All I ask is that I receive respect back, I think that's fair.  When I don't get that I get angry.  Evidenced by lasts night workout where I kicked it in to a gear I didn't know I had.  That's what happens when I get angry though!  I can joke around with the best of them and am okay being the butt of jokes, assuming I am aware of said jokes.  When these jokes are made behind my back, not cool.  When I am obviously disrespected in front of my face, not cool.  So with that, I can only say I am frustrated and that some changes may be coming soon as I refuse to pay someone for a service who turns around and treats me poorly and I refuse to associate with people who think it's okay to disrespect me.  I deserve better than that.

Alright, I feel better.  Now on to a HAPPY topic.  I have been wanting to foster dogs, specifically pit bulls for awhile now.  Matt and I both want to.  Recently, as in this weekend, the need for foster homes became urgent at one of our favorite shelters, Family Dogs New Life Shelter.  They have 5 puppies, 3 months old, that need foster homes (well needed, they all found homes as of Monday).  I woke Matt up and posed the question while he was still half asleep: Can we PLLEEEAASSEEE foster a puppy?!  I then proceeded to show him the cutest picture and asked him how he could say no?!  He didn't say yes, but he said we could consider it.  Which to me, is a yes!  I submitted our paperwork yesterday and am looking forward to talking with the shelter about foster opportunities!  I can't wait!

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