For the first time ever, I actually worked out before Thanksgiving, twice! We started by running in the Give 'N Gobble 5k in Sherwood. The CFA family had a pretty good showing even though it was freezing outside!!
Trying to keep warm! |
Once we all finished the 5k we headed over to Starbucks for some much deserved and needed coffee to warm us up. Work out #1 was done and #2 was just around the corner. We headed back to CFA and dug deep to find the motivation to finish a second workout. Coach Rich had us do a team WOD which helped all of us work harder than if we were on our own. The workout consisted of: 20 deadlifts (135 lbs for women), 100 pull-ups, 20 thrusters (75 pounds for women), 100 box jumps, 20 hang cleans (95 pounds for women but I did 75), 100 situps. Only one person of the two person team could be doing a lift at a time and all reps had to be complete in order to move on to the next. My teammate and I decided to split everything pretty evenly, which made for a tough workout!
Thrusters! |
Matt and Kerri working on their box jumps |
I love this picture, I look like I'm levitating! |
Kerri's turn! |
Janessa working on the box jumps |
Hang fun! |
Kicking butt on the hang cleans! |
Powering through the sit-ups! |
The group that did the second workout of the day! |
Also, for probably the first time ever, I woke up early and did a post-thanksgiving workout the morning, called the Filthy Fifty. It sucked so bad and made me not ever want to stray away from my healthy eating :) Well not ever, but I was paying for it this morning. We had to do 50 box jumps, 50 jumping pull-ups, 50 kettlebell swings, 50 walking lunges, 50 knees to elbows (think hanging from a pullup bar and bringing your knees to your elbows), 50 push press (35 pounds for women), 50 wall balls (14 pounds for women), 50 burpees, 50 double unders (with the jump rope). Then we all had the wise idea of running a mile afterwards, just for fun.
I'm sitting here with ice on my shin, but I'm proud of everyone that came in to CFA these past two days! It is so motivating to have a group of people right there with you, pushing you and encouraging you to finish when it was hard enough just getting out of bed on time.
So while I may have strayed from my diet yesterday, I am so thankful for my CFA family, as well as my friends and family who I got to spend Thanksgiving with. Now its time to get ready for a day filled with college football, Go Ducks!!
Oh - PS: I have now run 28.1 miles, 71.9 more to go and have rowed 13,500 meters, 36,500 more to go. I was also down 6 pounds as of yesterday and my goal is to be back to that number within a day or two. Have a great weekend everyone!!
Great job Brittany!