Whenever I tell people I workout at a Crossfit gym, most ask "What is Crossfit". Better yet, some say "What is a Crossfit" as if it is a singular thing rather than a concept, a community, a place, an addiction! I'm an active person, but not until I joined Crossfit Absolute did I feel addicted to what I was doing. Its a weird thing to say, that I'm addicted, but I know I'm not the only one. Almost everyone at our gym is addicted. How do I know this? They come back in, day after day, sore as can be, ready for the next challenge, the next WOD (Workout of the Day).
How do I know I'm addicted, I did the unthinkable! I asked for a make-up workout since we couldn't go on Saturday and actually went to the local track and did the workout! I know this doesn't sound that amazing, but for me it is! One, I hate running! Two, I hate running on tracks even more than just plain running (left over from my middle school/high school track days). Three, it was Sunday, I usually rest on Sundays!
It's not easy to explain what Crossfit is because its not just one thing. However, what makes it addicting is the ability to push yourself every day, the community cheering you on as you do something you never though possible (think pull-ups, to come in another post once I can get a picture taken!), its tracking and recording what you are doing so you can actually measure your progress by something OTHER than a scale, it's your coach telling you to stop sand bagging (that's for you Rich) even if you are working your hardest and for sure when you aren't. It's a feeling and something that no one seems to be able to get enough of. And no, Rich is not paying me for this post. I just realized how addicted I am because I asked for some hotel friendly workouts for when I'm gone and know I will for sure do them. Had this been BC (before Crossfit) I would have packed my workout clothes but would have probably only worked out once, for like 10 minutes, enough to be able to say I worked out but not enough for it to make any differece.
You and Matt weren't lying when you said I'd be addicted!! I'm sore as hell for 3-4 days yet I still manage to come back. I still get nervous thinking I won't make it through the workout, but I still manage to gut it out. Seeing other people's results inspire me to try and get there as well. Keep up the hard work!
ReplyDeleteIts the best kind of addiction I can think of! Keep up the hard work, a few more weeks and no longer are you nervous about not finishing but rather trying to see how far you can push yourself, setting new PR's etc!