Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm back!

Sorry for the long time away from my blog.  I honestly lost motivation, direction and didn't feel like I had anything interesting to post. 

What I learned about myself is that I need change, I like change but sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out what that certain change is that I need.  I recently joined Crossfit Absolute in Sherwood and let me tell you, I am addicted!  I love it!  I am challenged each day, I learn new lifts, surprise myself at what I can do, am humbled by what I can't do and am encouraged by everyone else at CFA to push myself to do more.

For a few years now I've been telling Matt I want to be able to do a pull-up.  Just one measly pull-up without assistance.  Well guess what, after about 3 weeks at CFA I did 3, count it 1...2...3 pull-ups in a row WITHOUT any kind of assistance!  I am so excited.  It makes me want to go back in each day and see how many more I can do.  The goal is to get 10 together before our next baseline test sometime in December. 

If you have not heard about Crossfit, google it, watch some YouTube videos and most of all come try it out.  You can come do a free workout at Crossfit Abolsute (and probably most Crossfit gyms).  Once you try it you'll get addicted.  Who doesn't like bettering themselves and seeing progress on almost a weekly basis!?  We recently did a fundraiser called Barbells for Boobs in which over 300 Crossfit affiliates participated.  The workout was called Amazing 'Grace' and was 30 clean and jerks for time.  Such a fun day!

The group after the Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser.  30 Clean and Jerks for time!

Me doing 85lbs, my face shows the pain but it was a blast!

My good friend Janessa doing 95lbs (prescribed weight and badass!)
A quick summary to the changes in my life lately, I am no longer teaching cycle classes.  I have to travel a bit for work and it was difficult to find subs at the Hillsboro location.  If something else opens up I may be able to get another class and I may try to sub every now and then for as long as they let me.  I also had to take a break some my soccer team.  I was struggling with a knee/IT band injury that just wouldn't go away.  Its now been 2-3 weeks since I've played soccer and cycled and its feeling a lot better.  Matt now works for Salem rather than LO, so we're just beginning the process of adjusting to that.  I am very proud of him and excited for the opportunities he'll be presented with at Salem.  We are on a remodeling binge at the house and I am excited to finish everything up and take pictures for everyone to see! 

Of course I'm still obsessed with our animals and have been trying to convince Matt to let me adopt a deaf pitty mix puppy....guess we need a bigger house first.  Here is beast and mini beast dressed up for Halloween:

Po is not happy because he'd rather be wearing the tutu and fairy wings instead of the devil wig!
 So you can expect a lot of Crossfit posts, and dog posts, and house remodeling posts and I'll probably change the name of my blog again....hope you enjoy!

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