Friday, April 23, 2010

Taking a step back to reflect

My last few posts have been rushed and have likely provided a glimpse in to how unfocused I have been on my nutrition. I let myself cheat way to much and now am feeling the effects of drifting away from my healthy lifestyle.  I went out to MDA (Mark's Daily Apple) for some inspiration, ideas or just something to help me refocus and this was the article he had posted for the day: The 80/20 Principle: When 20 Inches Toward 40.

It was like he read my mind!  I fall victim to both life getting in the way and a loss of motivation.  I set really high expectations and goals for myself and when I don't reach them right away, I begin to give up, which I did yet again.  This is life, it happens.  Before I would have fallen way off track and it would have taken weeks if no months to refocus.  This time it was about 2-3 weeks and I'm back on track feeling good about things.

I had a small cheat last night for the Blazer game, and it took all my strength not to bury the sad sad loss in a bowl of ice cream.  However, on a whole, I am back on track and the lbs are once again slowly going away.  I think part of it is that Matt and I have been eating the same things every day, we need new ideas!  I ordered the Primal Cookbook and am hopeful for some great ideas and inspiration.  I am also hoping to finish up my assignment for Global Management so I can once again get some quality reading time with the Primal Blueprint, I still have a lot of reading to do.

I have one more week left of this class, 6 total weeks of school left, 7 1/2 weeks until our Mexico trip...AND I am now a cycle instructor!!  I had a great audition and was given two classes, YAY!! 

My strategy for getting back on track is just to focus and organize.  I am good at planning ahead, but I am also good at taking on too much all at once.  For the next few weeks I am going to practice saying no and try to focus on the things that HAVE to get done so I can finish school, stay on track with my goals and save some pieces of my sanity.  So if I seem unsocial or too busy, just know that I am trying to focus on my goals and need to take a step back, I need to stop taking on so much stuff all at once that makes it impossible to stay on top.

Trying to achieve balance

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