Sunday, April 4, 2010

A FAST Easter

I mentioned in one of my earlier posts that I was thinking about doing a 24 hour fast, as part of taking this primal lifestyle a little more seriously.  Well we are now in April and it's time to get serious.  Over the next two months I really want to push myself and take things to the next level.  I have NEVER had abs so to speak of, I mean of course I have strong core muscles, but I've always had a steady layer of fat that hides those bad boys.  I want to lose enough body fat that I can start seeing these so called ab's.  Maybe try for a 2 pack or 4 pack!  Ha!

Anyways, although I've been eating paleo foods, I have not been moderating how much and often often I eat certain foods, like fruits and nuts.  So I am going to start tracking things better and attempt to dial my diet in enough to start seeing solid progress.  In order to get a clean start, I decided to do a 24 hour fast today, which just so happens to be Easter (no correlation, just worked out this way).  My plan was to eat breakfast and then fast until breakfast on Monday.  The fast will end up being a 21 hour fast, as I woke up later today than I will tomorrow and I need to eat before I go to the gym tomorrow.

I am doing a wet fast, which means I am able to drink water and tea, but am not eating anything.  I will post an update to this tomorrow and report on how it went.  For now, time to take the dogs on a walk to get my mind off the food I would like to eat right now.  This is more of a mental challenge than a physical one, I have never fasted before but know I can do this!  As a side note - I know that many people fast for religious reasons, and others to lose weight from the fast.  I am not doing this for either reason, but rather to start training my body to use the stored fat more effectively.  I will likely start adding this in to my lifestyle a few times a month, but only for 24 hours at a time.

Check back in later for updates!

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