Thursday, July 8, 2010

Ride 1 - Nice to Meet You, Now Work!

I have been neglecting my blog, but that doesn't mean I haven't been working out and working hard!  I've been teaching a minimum of 2 cycle classes a week, sometimes up to 5 a week!  My hope is to get most of my rides published so I can share them with everyone!

I had some grand ideas of what my first ride would be, and now that several months have passed I've finally found 1 minute to get some of these rides published!  This was the first ride I taught and I think it was pretty tough! 

Warm-up: Danger Zone
This is a seated flat, slowly add gear and get the blood flowing!  I always start with a seated flat, I don't do stretches on the bike before class but leave it as an option

All The Right Moves - Here is where we start working!  This is a combination hill, seated in to standing.  Add about 2-3 gears seated, then stand halfway through and add a few more gears. 

Love and Wonder (You can find this mashup at Standing climb.  Ride a tempo, we're going to take 4 big turns every 15 seconds, take the gear back off and start all over!  Make sure each gear is held for 15 seconds, and they should be big gears, don't let your legs slow down

Dashboard - HEAVY climb!!  Keep your legs at tempo, add gear every 45 seconds, reach standing point but DON'T stand, hold the gear in the saddle.  Have the class keep adding gear until they can't take anymore.  Some will quit early, some will be able to keep adding

Roll To Me - Lets grab a quick recovery here.  This is a fast flat, make sure your class still has some gear left on the bike, we are still working just catching our breath a bit!

Ghost Town - Work intervals!  Rather than an increase in leg speed this should be a dramatic increase in effort/work.  To do this, keep tempe during the non-work portion, then add gear during the work portion.  These are 30 sec off/30 second on to the end of the song!

Pretender/Kick Start My Heart - More work intervals!  Divide the class in two, group A and Group B.  While one group is working the other is keeping their leg speed up to tempo with moderate resistance, and is cheering on the group that is working!!  This goes through both songs, ride through the transition!
Group A 1:00, Group B 1:00, Group A 1:00, Group B 1:00, Instructor for 1:00, Group A 30 sec, Group B 30 sec, all together for the last 1:00 of the last song. 

Rock That Body / Bring The Noise (mashup I found, can't remember where) - More work intervals, last set!  These are zone intervals.  The way I explained this was we're going to start standing and we'll be just slightly below tempo, we'll then get to tempo and for the last part get above tempo.  When done right they likely won't need to change the gear so long as they start with enough gear to begin with.  The work intervals are 30 below tempo, 30 sec at tempo, 15 above tempo (optional max effort) followed by 15-30 sec recovery then repeat through both songs!

Be Somebody - Standing hill, gradually gets steeper, keep tempo

Boys of Summer - Seated endurance to the end.  I instructed the class to take as much gear as they could and keep tempo.  If done right they will likely need to back some gear off as their legs get tired and thats okay

COOL DOWN!!  I use different cool down music each time, but give enough time to bring their heart rates down and slow the breathing.  I do most stretches off of the bike,

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