This past weekend I taught my second cycle class and I am LOVING it! I had several people come up afterwards and thank me for a tough workout. I got thanked for making them work hard! In that moment I felt so proud of myself, that I had gotten to such a level in my own personal fitness that I can push and motivate people to work hard. 24 Hour branded some of their classes on Saturday as Last Chance Workout (Biggest Loser Finale is tomorrow). Although I thought this was great, it got me thinking.
Why last chance? Why all or nothing? Why are we all so inclined to say tomorrow is the day I change. I was like that, everytime I made a bad choice I would say to myself, thats okay because tomorrow you'll start making better choices. Tomorrow would turn in to next week, next month and so on. It is such a backwards way of thinking about our health and well being. Instead it should be I just made a bad decision, my next decision will be to do something good for myself. It should be, I'll go to the gym today and tomorrow! It should be, I want start my healthy lifestyle right now!
To me, the biggest culprit in why we think this way is mainstream media. Everything related to health and fitness has a time table attached to it. This causes us to either think its okay to wait until tomorrow OR set such unrealistic goals for ourselves that we're bound to fail.
I am not where I'd like to be right now, however I think a big part of why is because I set such unrealistic goals for myself, I set myself up for failure. When I didn't lose that next 5 lbs I started to give up, give in. I've focused so much on that stupid number on that stupid scale. The batteries have been dead for 2 weeks now and I'm slowly learning that its okay not to weight myself everyday. I'm looking in the mirror more, but rather than looking at my flaws looking for postive changes. I'm looking to see results rather than looking to see where I failed.
Teaching cycle classes has given me that next bit of encouragement and empowerment to become a healthier me. I feel so strong after I teach, like I could do anything! After teaching I've been going to FIT classes at Team Quest, which are VERY hard workouts. I've been completing them and when I go home, I feel so accomplished because each week I find myself pushing myself that much harder. I find myself looking to the gym and to physical activities as a way to deal with stress. I won't have 6 pack abs when I go to Mexico, I likely will never have them, ever! However, when I step out on the beach I am going to feel strong and beautiful knowing I've pushed myself to reach my best potential. I will continue to push myself, to get in better shape, but not because I want to look like a model. Because I want to go teach a cycle class and then go to a FIT class and then go play a soccer game, all in the same day, and feel great doing it!
PS - I ordered the Primal Cookbook and am hoping to get it soon! I have been sticking to the paleo diet about 80% of the time and I feel great. I have avoided getting sick, I have plenty of energy. I just need new food ideas because I am in a food rut! I'll post some ideas and pictures once I get the book!
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